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City of Fez


Fez was founded in 789.  It was an active, cultured city at that time, a time when the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle recorded the first appearance of the Vikings in England. The Venerable Bede had just finished his most famous book, the 'Ecclesiastical History of the English', a major source for the history of Britain in the immediate post-Roman period.

Fez largely consists of two old medina quarters, Fes el Bali and Fes Jdid, and modern urban area of Ville Nouvelle constructed during the French colonial era. The medina of Fez is listed as a World Heritage Site and is believed to be one of the world's largest urban pedestrian zones (car-free areas). It has the University of Al Quaraouiyine  which was founded in 859 and the oldest continuously functioning university in the world. It also has Chouara Tannery (see photo to left) from the 11th century, one of the oldest tanneries in the world. The city has been called the "Mecca of the West" and the "Athens of Africa," 

Fez mirage pool.jpg

Wed 5/17: When  we arrived in Fez, we went to the Hotel Mirage.  Brahim had already ordered and paid for our rooms there. 

We cleaned up after our long ride and drove to Fatima and Brahim's gracious home where Meema, Abdulawahib, Asmorta, Fatima,, Bahrim, and their four boys, Adam's kids and Asmath's kids.  Had much food!  Talked and relaxed.  Returned to hotel around midnight!

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Beautiful lobby of Hotel Mirage

where we stayed!.

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When you were served beer, they also brought three appetizers - olives, cheese, and nuts.  Nice! The cost for Flag Special mug was 70 dhs, or about $7.  However, this was in an upscale hotel barl


Left: Hotel bar. Above my Flag Special, a tasty beer.

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Fez mirage bfast cooks.jpg

Above left: in the morning, we all had a wonderful breakfast served buffet style. In addition to the lovely indoor seating area (where we sat), there were additional food stations outside by the pool.

Playfair Display is a sophisticated font with tall, imposing letters. It's ideal for titles, headlines and short blocks of copy - like a product description.

Thur May 18: After a wonderful breakfast, we took Noah for a walk on the boulevard - clean and beautiful.  At hotel, driver came with Abdul and Meema.  We piled into the VW, and Adam drove us to old Fez medina (bazaar). A guide showed us around.  Lots of walking among fascinating old (800s) area with hundreds of little shops.  We bought gifts. I was very sweaty after hiking thru miles of hills and cobblestone paths at the bazaar.

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These photos only suggest the uniqueness of the medina.  It was very much like the bazaar in Istanbul only vaster.


After our outing, I went back to our hotel.  Adam went golfing with Brahim and Fadwa went to her sisters home.  I had a few beers in the hotel bar and enjoyed the down time.

I rested in the room and watched a little TV - interesting.  Adam returned from golfing around 7:40 p.m., and I joined him by the hotel pool for a few beers and relaxation.  I was in bed by 11:00 p.m.

Fri May 18: We had breakfast by the hotel pool with Adam, Fadwa, Jake, and Noah (Kenza still with father). Adam was again off for a golfing date with Brahim while we lounged by the pool.


The Bab Bou Jeloud gate, leading into the old medina of Fez


The golden gates to King Mohammed's palace.  The king has lavish palaces in the major Moroccan cities!

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