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May 13, 2017: We arrived at Casablance airport where Abdulwahib picked me up.  Adam and family rode in the other car. We drove to Kinetra, ate delicious pasteries, and enjoyed coffee. 

After coffee, we went to an abandoned airstrip (left) for a walk.  Following that, we went to the beach to an old fort, a fish market, camel ride, and drive to the old naval station.  


Kinetra is on the west coast of Morocco where fishing is a staple.  This market displayed the catch of the day.  I have never seen so many different fresh fish in one place!  One could purchase a fish and, outside the market, there were vendors who would clean and prepare the fish for you while you waited.  Next time we are in Morocco, I definitely want to do that!


Fadwa and Jake take first ride!


Near where we were, was alkasabah of Kenitra - an impressive structure and fortification near the Atlantic.

naval station.jpg

After we left the beach, we drove to the old naval station which was acquired by the U.S. in 1942. In the 1950s nearly 10,000 persons occupied the station making it the largest aggregation of Americans on any one overseas base outside Japan.  The base was later expanded into the U. S. Naval Air Station and was used by the Americans and the Moroccans throughout the Cold War.

Day 2, May 13

We awoke to fresh coffee with pastries, eggs, fresh donuts and bread.  Most Moroccan homes begin the day with a crepe-like item freshly made in the market.  It is often eaten with honey, jam, and other add-ons.  Below are pictures of these being made in the downtown market.


Left is a picture of these being made in the downtown market in Kenitra.  Once the hot copper disk is covered with the batter, the baker peals it from the hot copper..  The process goes very quickly and the end result is a flatbread that is delicious stuffed with goodies and folded over.

Travel Notes:  Saturday, May 13, 2017, we landed in Casablance, gathered our bags, and drove north to Kenitra..  We had pastries and coffee.  After settling in, we were gtiven a huge lunch after which Abdulwahib, Adam, Jake, and I went to an abandoned airport for a much needed walk.  Later, we all went to the beach, visited the fish market, viewed the ruins of the Kasbah (citadel), and took camel rides. From there, we drove to the naval station where Abdulwahib did some training.  He was a pilot for the Moroccan Air Force. After getting home and eating again, we took a walk to the center of Kenitra to a mallcafe for coffee.  We were home by 10:30 and turned in.

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