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Rabat is the capitol city of Morocco.  Tourism and the presence of all foreign embassies in Morocco makes Rabat one of the most important cities in the country.  It is on the Atlantic ocean about 40km south of Kenitra.

Mausoleum of Kings Hassan II and Mohammed V. The Hassan tower (below), ruins of the mosque built by Ya'qub al-Mansūr, destroyed at the time of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and the mausoleum of Mohammed V (left) where rests the late King Mohammed V and his two sons, the late king Hassan II and his younger brother Moulay Abdellah 

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Entrance to tomb.


Guards on horse constantly stood guard over the complex.  We saw the guard change much as one sees at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Washington.  Jake thought that was impressive.

This complex was built atop a hill overlooking Rabat.  It reminded me of the tomb of Ataturk in Turkey.


After seeing the tombs, we descended to a beautiful marina where we had an unbelievable lunch.  Fatama, Fadwa's oldest sister, order and paid for everything.  Actually, we couldn't pay for anything while in Morocco!  For lunch, we had salad, fish, St. Piere fish,calamari,lamb,beef kabob, beef on skewers like hot dog, lasagna, pizza, shrimp and bread!  The spread was really grander than anything I've ever had!  Of course, we all (especially me) ate much more than was reasonable!

Adam drove us back to Kinetra. Abrahim, Fatama's husband, gave us the use of the VW Turig for the rest of our trip!!  When we got home, we took naps,walked about town, had coffee with layered pancakes, cream cheese, and honey at a cafe that Abdulwahib visits daily to chat with his friends there. That evening, we packed for our trip to Marrakesh the next morning!

Travel Notes: Sunday,  May 17, 2017: Adam drove us to Rabat where we saw the tomb of King Hasan II and Mohammed V, the father of the present King of Morocco, Mohammed VI.Had lunch at  an upscale marina - salad, fish, St. Piere fish, Calamari, Lamb, Beef Kabob, Greek beef on skewers like hot dog, Lazagna, Pizza, Shrikmp, and bread!  The entire lunch was paid for by Fadwa's sister, Fatamah!  

We drove back to Kinetra, took a nap, walked about town, had coffee with layered pancakes with cream cheese and honey.  Packed for the trip to Marakesch

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